Tuesday, April 1, 2014

For the love of teal

Sometimes (not always) I find Alfred sitting on my furniture when he thinks I'm not looking. Which is quite funny. He makes that "I'm sorry" face, gets off and runs to me wagging his tail:)
Usually I reprimand such behavior, trying very hard not to laugh. But in this case I could not help, but take a cute picture.

One of our family dogs had a habit of  laying on the dining table so he could look at the window when left home alone.  The other one was sleeping on the couch secretly (so he thought:)  I'm starting to compare Alfred to them, and I do find a lot of similar problems... I have to think about it some more...


  1. Natalia, he's so cute!! This a fantastic photo of Alfred!

  2. Thanks, Loretta! It was so nice seeing you today! And I'm glad you met Alfred:)

  3. AWW he is soooo cute, you should see his sister she is one sneaky pug too.

  4. Thank you, Josey! Best luck to Alfred's sis! Hope she's doing fine at the ring:)
