Friday, March 21, 2014

Hide and seek

Few days ago Alfred went to the vet to complete his yearly vaccination. He was not trilled  by this visit at all, put up a struggle (I know now that it takes 4 persons to draw blood from a pug) and complained very loudly about everything... Despite his foul mood he received all his shots, was given a clean bill of health and off the hook for a year.
Back at home I sat working for a few hours, and then realized that Alfred is not under my work table. And not in the room at all.
He does sleep in his bed or kennel sometimes when I'm busy, so I went to the living room to check on him. He was not there.
I checked bedroom and kitchen - no pug. The only place left was the bathroom. Almost closed door revealed this:

That was so sad, I almost cried. Which obviously didn't stop me from taking the picture first and hugging the pug next.
He is not mad at me anymore.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Informal with the pug

Mostly because I feel like it

I'm 40. Deal with it.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

happy birthday to me

At some point I stopped liking my birthdays, as many people do when they getting older. Last year was pretty bad. All I wanted was to close the curtains, crawl under the blanket and stay like that for a week.
Today  however, I made peace with my birthday. I liked it even. I decided not to sulk, talked to my family in Moscow,  admired awesome gifts my friends got me and was perfectly content to spend a day in Alfred's company.
And then I got flowers. My amazing family arranged delivery and surprised me with a huge bouquet of roses and there was a cute Teddy bear attached to it! This made my day!

Alfred got jealous a bit and tried to steal my Teddy 3 times, so I had to put it away:)
At the end of the day I was really happy that I have a loving husband, wonderful family and so many dear friends!
And of course Alfred. Actually, I think he might be a reason for the sudden end of my birthday blues. And my blues  in general. Owning a dog does make me mellow and happy:)